No DOCTOR the LIVE VACCINE WAS NOT USED IN THE 1950's now was it? I think I'm right on that. Second onset of Quadriplegia was at age 35 in 1985 not in the 1950's no vaccine taken for POLIO within 30-35 years. Third DOCTOR LOOK AT INFORMATION on TRANSVERSE MYELITIS. What is it linked to? Does most information not include Vaccines??? Well doctor?? Does it not also say POILO? She as I took both the Salk and Sabian vaccine. But the live vaccine was not in production till she was 10 years old or 1960 era right?
BTW the POLIO possibility was discovered in a Physical Rehabilation Center with a good national reputation. I saw the onset happen with my own two eyes. It took one hour from walking to quadriplegia. There is nothing not one thing I have posted in this thread that is not aviable at many reputable sources. Maybe she had mild Polio before even getting the Salk vaccine we simply do not know nor neither do you. She had minor limb dysfunction as early as 6-7 years old 1956-57 along in there.
You are a doctor you must know Polio can and does come back later in life and does more Neurological Damage. Transverse Myleitis is indeed linked to Polio and the Polio vaccine. If the symptoms were 30 years delayed from previous occurance would it not be relapse? BTW no other test showed cause for this.
I don't call what has been posted in here irresponsible but rather experiences of some who have seen for themselves bad reactions.
Grow up and go talk to your physician. I'm not going to spend hours each day trying to address your mistaken views. Your scientific arguments are weak and I've already had multiple email messages with you regarding your conduct. good day.