In real life the Roarks of this country are allowed almost full latitude to succeed or fall flat on their faces. But gracelessly falling flat on your face isn't heroic, so Rand invented the sinister Toohey for the sole purpose of propping up Roark and giving an artificial forced expression to his latent "heroic" victimhood.
Without Toohey, Roark would be left to languish and pout in obscurity, wondering why the rest of the world didn't instinctively sense and gush over his "genius." Many libertarians suffer from the same malady of bewliderment: "I'm s-o-o-o smart. How come nobody notices? Because they're all stupid! It isn't easy being blindingly brilliant. It is a heavy, heavy burden." *Gag*
There is better reasoned prose on the back of cereal boxes than in any of Rand's three hundred page swoons.