That's all fine and good, but just switching the channel and ignoring the problem just creates a bigger problem. We went decades with the mantra "Communism is evil". But did anyone ever say why, on a public level? No, it was just an accepted norm. When we treat issues that way, it attracts anti-establishment type people who come in and question things. When no one knows the answer, just because they never studied the issue, but just always accepted it as a bad thing, then it appears, on the surface, that they are wrong.
Our populace is filled with the economically ignorant who wouldn't know the first thing to say to counter Karl Marx. So when the fickle people of our nation start seeing "Socialism helps the poor and small people" against "Socialism is just wrong because it is evil." They start to side with "Socialism helps the poor". I hope we don't make the same mistake with this issue.
Texaaggie79 - I'm from Katy, TX and it does my heart good to see someone who grasps this issue so well. Thanks for participating in this thread - I fear we are well on our way to realizing what we hope is not to be. Hope I'm wrong.