Cute frapster.
When I was a kid I used to expend loads of energy avoiding the unpleasant parts such as thinking; or reasoning; or proceding from one logical point to the next.
Slow down.
If you think the only way moral truths are found is via a burning bush or hallucinogenic mushrooms you are wasting my time and yours.
You really believe that Plato, Socrates, Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke, Ortega y Vega, Thoreau all wasted their time taking way too long to get to a point you have miraculously inferred instantly?
You personify the very reason someone a short while back was bemoaning the shortness of these threads.
I earned that one - rebuke heard and received. Thanks.
However, I was (in my sarcasm) skipping way ahead of the discussion. Of course let's also get way ahead of the point here and just go ahead and call me a pathologic religious nut. I do believe that the Divine speaks and that He has spoken and it's not so hard to know His will on such issues. For those who continue to seek the Truth it sounds pompous and arrogant for me to make such a claim and I'm sorry for that too - but it's where I stand. So - in making that admission of myself I repeat the question in more respectful terms.
You speak of truth and I get the impression you speak of absolutes. I would truly love to know (not matter how long it takes) the true foundation of those truths. Who or what is your source? Is that a fair question?