As far as the teacher claiming that only SHE can diagnose ADHD and not a doctor--I am not doubting that she told you that, however, I am appalled at the arrogance behind that statement.
As far as teachers making a diagnosis and recommendation for medication, the school district that you mention is operating out of the IDEA guidelines and is vulnerable for any number of lawsuits.
Look up IDEA and read what the government says schools may and may not do. I will guarantee you that prescribing medication is NOT listed.
Dr. Paul Wender is Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Univ. of Utah.
He claims practically anyone can diagnose ADHD and he INVENTED the diagnosis while at NIMH in the '70s.
The schools can pressure parents in any number of ways to drug their kids, whether it be directly or indirectly. They did it to my wife and me, and they do it to parents every day. Get serious.