BTW - I thank my lucky stars I don't work for an employer who browbeats everyone into donating to the United Way or some other mega-charity.
Many moons ago (okay a few years ago), I dated a young lady who didn't want to work for anything other than a non-profit, as if they were somehow more nobler than, well, my job. She ended up working for one of the largest lobbying firms on Capital Hill(ie, largest in the known multiverse). Like, yeah, they are really doing things for the little guy. She just wanted to be near the power players. In 2000, after I predicted that our favorite Senator's name was being dropped as vp candidate in order to get it out there for 2004, she suddenly started talking about how she wanted to go work for him. She was just your typical One-World, UN-loving, Hillary-worshipping leftist ... but, I'd hate to have this degenerate into an Ex-Girlfriend Bashing Party.