Put a little yellow sticky on each copy informing them that you have sent copies to ten?,eleven?other diocesan officials for their elucidation. To strike a little more fear in them,you could add the heads of some parent/teacher associations as well as a couple of principals of catholic schools.If you just send those to pastors or assistant pastors,pta heads and prinipals randomly,it is very effective.The good ones appreciate it and the bad ones don't know who sent it,why it was sent and who else received it.It also puts some of them in a tizzy because to bring it up if people have not received it might give it extra publicity and not wanted and yet they are always trying to figure out what moves the enemy (us) are making.The more time they have to spend worrying the less time they have to plot and deconstruct.
I like the way you think! I'll be considering your idea.