What in the world is a hot cup of Joe?
From context, I would guess it's coffee... but where did "Joe" come from?
Or was the the murdered guy's name?
It's java, yes. The term has been around since the 40's. Some say the term comes from "Joe Awful Coffee's" a once famous restuarant out West. Others say it comes from the bags which were stamped J.O.E. (Java something something) and other's that it was named after the captain of some ship who banned rum in favour of bean juice on his vessels. But wherever the term comes from, one can't deny the perky effect that a good cup o' joe has. The way it makes your eyes open up like two big oatmeal cookies...
In the spirit of the BBC's My Word.
Sly Stallone's Cockney cousin and manager was asked by the studio if they could make any follow-ons to Rocky.
He responded, "Y'd wan' wot, couppa, yo?"