1 posted on
07/08/2002 4:12:15 PM PDT by
Good Night, Mr. President. A job well done.
2 posted on
07/08/2002 4:17:42 PM PDT by
Q Sir, you said in your speech tomorrow you're going to talk about some of the excesses of the 1990s, when a lot of money was flying around, people were playing a lot of games with money.
THE PRESIDENT: That's right.
Q You weren't President then; Bill Clinton was President. Do you think in some way he contributed to that, set a moral tone in any way?
Q Can I ask one more -- (laughter.) You'd not like to expand on that?
He had a chance to stick it to the Democrats, because Clinton's Administration oversaw the decade of fraud and deceit and blew it again. What is wrong with someone who constantly gets attacked and lets the RATS get away with HYPOCRISY.
When I was listening to NPR, on the way home from work [don't even get into why I was listening... It's about the only good traffic report in DFW]... Anyway, the only thing they menitioned was the Harken deal. They never even mentioned the basis of the Press conference. Unfortunately, that's the only thing that the sheeple are going to hear, and that's all they will believe... It's unfortunate.
To: TLBSHOW; Wphile; rintense
Thanks fer posting this, my FRiend...MUD
Our nation is at war and
I really wish he would stop saying that. We are NOT at war, because he hasn't asked Congress to declare a state of war. He need to realize that this is the next logical step. Otherwise, we risk becoming more and more like 1984, and that's exactly whats got people like Hilary licking her chops. Her ilk can't wait to get their hands on the Executive Branch again so they can abuse PATRIOT...
26 posted on
07/09/2002 9:53:57 AM PDT by
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