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To: Gaston
But it is obvious from your previous posts to other threads that indeed you are prejudiced against fat people.

Fascinating the way you emulate the left so well with your comments. If you disagree with someone don't talk about the point, just call them prejiduce or some other name. So, yes, I'm going to play your game and firmly believe that you are a bigot. You hate fit people. Otherwise you would not be defending fat people taking money from fit people for their high health care costs.

There is nothing prejiduce about stating the fact that being fat is a lifestyle choice and a costly one at that. I'm tired of them telling me to pay for it. Call that what you want...

19 posted on 07/05/2002 12:00:18 PM PDT by 69ConvertibleFirebird
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To: 69ConvertibleFirebird
The reason Americans are getting larger is because of the sedentary lifestyle the soccer mommies have imposed on their little urchins.
Johnny can't play football/baseball/soccer because;
He's allergic to grass.
The ball is too hard.
He might get hurt.
He has asthma, et al, ad nauseum.
We are raising our third generation of overfed, under-exercised little p*ssies.
25 posted on 07/05/2002 12:10:43 PM PDT by dtel
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To: 69ConvertibleFirebird
The reason for so many obese people today is that, because of their genes, they were able to survive the many famines that have plagued this earth throughout history while the fit people died in masses. So you see that while it may be unattractive to be obese and unhealthy in our current food glut, it is necessary that their genes be passed on for our future survival. Don't begrudge the human race of a diverse gene pool because of your own preferences.
26 posted on 07/05/2002 12:19:42 PM PDT by Gaston
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To: 69ConvertibleFirebird
From a previous thread....And while I'm at it... They should have to pay double (at least) for health care. I'm tired of my insurance premiums being high because to the high medical costs related to obesity.

If you are so fit then you should drop your health insurance as I am sure you will never need it. The money you save should be more than adequate for any accidental injury you may sustain. And don't give me any crap about how you are predisposition for this or that disease, remember you said it wasn't genetic.

29 posted on 07/05/2002 12:28:14 PM PDT by Gaston
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