I think Dakmar was saying the same thing I did earlier - if the school perceives that there are strings attached. The schools perception is everything. To be safe, the school may simply not accept vouchers.
I think people are erroniously assuming that voucher programs will pop up in every county in every State overnight, and that private school administrators will be licking their chops to get some of this "new money". Not going to happen. Only three States have such programs now. And what is still sad, is that very few parents of children from these "failing schools" even care enough to apply for the voucher. Check the statistics from here in Florida. Every child in the several failing schools is eligible, but only a few parents apply.
That is what we need to have happen. All the liberal grops I mentioned have sworn to fight vouchers everywhere they are proposed. OK, let's give them their wish. It costs conservatives nothing to introduce a voucher bill in every state in the union.
But it will cost the NEA, the ACLU and AJCongress plenty of money to fight them. Even if we lose, we win. The more money the left spends defeating vouchers, the less they have to support liberal candidates for office.
Republican elected officials should put a voucher bill on the table in every state before the fall election.
And if the bills are defeated, so what? We can introduce another. And another. And another.
We can bleed liberals dry with this.