I think Jeff Head just won "Pin the Tail on the Sphinx."
I flew from SFO on a UA shuttle. After we were landed and on the way to pick up our luggage, we were herded out the doors onto the sidewalk. There was a bomb threat.
It was about 2 pm and a lot of flights were affected. There was a ton of us on the sidewalks. The roads were not closed.
That was the final straw on me saying that I didn't need that part time consulting job that had me going in and out of terminals like LAX. However,, we don't need to go into all this on an open web site.
This clymer probably hated Jews from the moment he was born, and he intended to do a Hate Crime. (all terrorist acts are hate crimes!) He probably acted alone and may have booby trapped his car (we don't know this for sure!)
Since he had a green card, he may not have been on our watch list. However, I think the Israeli Intel knew who he was. That was they called it an act of terrorism before he stopped twitching on the floor of the airport. Saber, spend a minute and go to this link and read what Israeli Intel, Shin Bet was saying about this act very quickly: (Israeli Shin Bet believes shooting is terrorist)