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To: Lake
Tiger urine cures arthritis.

BTW, from what I've read, it's tiger bones that are used to cure arthritis...

From Tigers

All of these tigers suffer from the same dilema. Their habitat is being rapidly destroyed by man, and they are being killed by poachers for their fur and all other body parts. Many chinese people believe the testicles of these animals made into a soup will help their own sexual drive. Crushed tiger bones are suppose to help heal arthritis and other ailments. The list goes on with how they have used this magnificant animal for their own selfish beliefs. The chinese government has recognized this problem, and have several private breeding facilities to preserve their existance. Although we have found that some of these are just breeding farms, and when the cats are large enough, they are killed and their body parts from head to toe are then sold to the black market all over the world.

426 posted on 07/01/2002 3:20:33 PM PDT by FormerLurker
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To: FormerLurker
>>some of these are just breeding farms, and when the cats are large enough, they are killed and their body parts from head to toe are then sold to the black market all over the world.

That's not no longer the case in China today. Those breeding farms are going bankrupt and they even can't sell carcass of dead tigers to make ends meet because the Chinese law now prohibits any tiger sale whatsoever. Tigers bones? In your dream. Two brothers were sentenced 10 years in prison for selling a tiger skin which had been in their family for generations.

427 posted on 07/01/2002 4:00:28 PM PDT by Lake
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