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To: all4one
You make some good points, but I'm still not sure we've seen evidence that they are training cyber-terrorists. They may be doing that, and we should assume they are actively attempting that, but the attacks to date have been bold, but low-tech attacks.

Even the most recent attack we thwarted, an attack on ships near Gibralter, was a repeat of the Cole attack scenario. I'm still not convinced that these losers who are attacking us are the brightest bulbs.

32 posted on 06/26/2002 6:43:18 PM PDT by Dog Gone
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To: Dog Gone; mikeIII; all4one
There's another dimension as well. I find it a little dubious that al Qaeda (correctly translated as "The Foundation" from what I understand- not "The Base") would have little hacker schools. I would think that really good hackers are people who have spent their entire lives connected to computers and not just that but who also had a very keen desire to learn to hack (I think back these many years gone by to the movie "War Games" with Matthew Broderick- seems so innocent now doesn't it?).

My concern had been that just as after 9/11 many groups and individuals who had supported Jihad withdrew their support out of disgust- so did the opposite happen- young people and groups who might otherwise not have supported bin Laden would've suddenly seen him as having an effective strategy and a just cause. I find it plausible that many young Muslims who have hacker/advanced computer skills who had been planning to have a nice career in the industry might have gone off and donated their services to "The Foundation" and its cause. Think about all those Muslims in Germany in the universities who might have been radicalized by the events and got on a plane bound for Pakistan and other points of call in the Islamic world- just as we know that many in Britain and America went to Pakistan to try to physically fight the coalition.

I think al Qaeda probably had no shortage of volunteers after 9/11 who just might have the skills to pull something like this off. These messages recently, allegedly from al Qaeda, that state "We will attack them where they do not expect it" certainly raise a few questions. They could've just been blowing hot air but I've been puzzling on that particular wording ever since. Where would be the perfect target that we least expect?

36 posted on 06/26/2002 7:45:29 PM PDT by Prodigal Son
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