Where is your proof?
Harr, listen, guy, you make such accusations and then claim that "everybody knows it", but Microsoft and millions of people have the benefit of success. Plus, I don't know it, and after 20+ years developing systems, and 23 years using Microsoft products and technologies, I totally disagree with you, so I guess it is "everyone but PatrioticAmerican"?
If Java is the only thing going that works, why are there so many people benefiting from Microsoft products and technologies?
It seems to remain, "everyone who isn't specifically paid to use MS solutions even when better, cheaper, faster technologies are available".
If you're not a 'tech' guy but an 'MS-only' guy, you surely disagree with me that there are non-MS techs superior to MS techs!!!
And personally, I don't believe any of your claims to be a developer, any more than I believe B2k's claims.
I think you're both salesmen who would make anything up to try and fraudulently sell MS-only solutions. So of *course* you disagree with me . . .