Right, I diverge from your script by admitting that there is both good and bad about .NET. The bad is never to be admitted to, it shows signs of independent thought.
Remeber the thread Has anyone been involved in a large .net installation? recently?
Remember how it turned out that no one had completed any major implementations?
Not one. 3 or 4 cheerleaders who said it was 'way cool', but no actual success stories. "Look at the MS press releases" was the answer. In fact, rather than discuss .NET it became a thread largely dedicated to personal insults? That thread alone said more about .NET than I ever could.
But I believe .NET will get to where java is today, in 3 or 4 years.
Clearly, tho, it isn't there yet. Heck, as of this moment, the fact that .NET requires IIS is a deal-breaker for almost all serious work.