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To: ValerieUSA
so offering condolences here is just an exercise in bonding with FReepers who are into judging the public display of grief for someone they never even met. Instead of playing baseball today, they are playing "wake" and keeping score.

Okay.Well, my last comments to you are these your previous post you offered YOUR condolences...was that a bonding exercise for you??? maybe that's the reason you go to great lengths to announce your plight bond??? So when you come on to chastize all for public displays of gratuitous emotion and bonding, then tell all that you are a widow, aren't you pulling a the heart strings yourself??

Why do you have to reveal that? It makes your complaints about bonding ring hollow

It has nothing to do with this man, but you trot it out,..... why??

I don't care why, just don't pretend to play at not being a hypocrite

Also, go back and read through a few posts above...some freepers actually HAVE met Darryl Kile. Are they tho the ONLY ones allowed to grieve?

Only a true fan of the sport would understand what happened fact only a TRUE sportsman (not to sound sexist of course) would understand...and if you mattered enough, i'd further question your postings on other baseball related threads..but that is really unecessessary.

337 posted on 06/22/2002 8:08:07 PM PDT by Neets
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To: OneidaM
I was not being hypocritical - I explained what I was doing when I said my condolences, and I did not contradict myself in the following posts, and I certainly didn't "bond" with anyone.
I said nothing to offend Kile's real family. Their grief is genuine and their lives are going to be deeply affected forever by this loss, as only a family can experience a loved one's death.
I do find it offensive that people here equate their own feelings, and even the feelings of Kile's teammates, with the situation facing his real family. The word "family" doesn't mean baseball.
Just because you may have admired a player doesn't make you a part of his family, entitled to share in the pity and to take personal offense when you don't think someone understands or sympathizes with your "grief" sufficiently. That is highly presumptuous.
340 posted on 06/22/2002 8:29:50 PM PDT by ValerieUSA
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