bassman;Brad Cloven;Et seq;invoman;plumbob;PrairieFire;Redrivergal;Rubber Duck;Smokin' Joe;ttikttak;USANUMBER1;USConstitution;WrenchChucker
Free Republic is one of those rare opportunities in life where you and friends in the present can have a positive impact on the future.
The reality is in a world without Free Republic, we conservatives would not really have a voice and impact on the future of our country.
- Grampa Dave
What the *@@* are you spouting about??
I could swear North Dakota chimed in with a contribution. I've searched the previous 100 posts and can't find it. Maybe it was South Dakota? Anyway, I'll search a few more hundred backward to be sure it didn't get lost somewhere.
You are the only state in the nation that has not chimed in on the quarterly FReep-A-Thon!!!!
Are you conservatives??? Are you FReepers??? Don't you want these pesky posts to go away???
Good grief - kick in a buck or two - or at least let someone know that you are one of the Never Never Land contributors.
Don't cause us to create an entirely seperate thread to tell the rest of the world that North Dakota is not interested enough in conservatism to publicly state their support of FRee Republic - the most necessary voice of consevatism in the entire US of A????
I don't want to see that happening.