You're right. My mistake. It was her daughter who sold her ass.
it was the daughter of Elvis Presley that was in love with, and who married M.Jackson,
Those who think that the only child of Elvis Presley needs "something else" to become a celebrity, is grasping for straws.
Right. She has had SOOO much luck making and selling a album on her own,and had her name and photo in the news almost every day. Right.
Both Lisa and M.Jackson proclaimed many times that the marraige was not a sham, that they loved each other, that they had sex as husband and wife,
Haven't Bubba-1 and Bubbette! said the very same thing? Seems to me like even Tipsy Gore said Goober was "one hell of a lover" when people started to hint he might be a little light in the loafers. Oh yeah,Bubbette! really IS the smartest woman in the world,and Bubba-1 never cheated on his living wife.
and Lisa never was with any other man as long as she was with M.Jackson.
Anybody ever ask her about the chimp?
Lisa Presley could have nearly any man in america,
Wrong. She is only average looking and seems to have no talent at all.
but she chose M.Jackson because of his unsurpassed sex appeal.
Forget your sarcasm tag?
Anybody ever ask her about the chimp?
"The chimp is mine."
Whoa... I can't speak to the talent question, but I've met Lisa Marie Presley once (with no makeup) and saw her at a very small Alanis Morissette gig on another occasion. I've met plenty of celebs, and many fall short in person of what they look like on TV or in magazines.
Lisa Marie Presley is one of the most stunningly beautiful women you could ever hope to lay eyes on.