You're correct in arguing that getting rid of the celibacy rule would not end the pedophilia problem. However, many would argue (I among them) that entering a priesthood where marriage is forbidden and contact with children is encouraged provides a perfect cover for those who would rather not be married anyway. Protestant clergy, by following the scriptural principal of being allowed to marry, are in no way immune from gross immorality. However, it certainly seems that the incident of such practices amongst Protestant clergy is much less than that among Catholic clergy.
This is really a Christian issue, not just a Catholic issue. The American bishops and cardinals have done all Christians a disservice by looking the other way with pedophilic and pederastic priests. If they had fulfilled their duty 20 and 30 years ago, we wouldn't be having this discussion today.
The higher-ups who covered for the offenders should all do the right thing and step down--or better yet, the Pope should ask them to. I'm no Bible expert, but my understanding is that being forgiven by God does not exempt you from suffering the earthly consequences of your actions.