Dear Polycarp:
Are you celibate? If not, why do you expect clergymen to be? Fact One: Historically, most of the apostles in the opinion of Biblical scholars, including both Peter and the
Paul that you cite were married--Mosaic law practically required marriage! Fact Two: Most of the Church's priests until the 12th Century were married--in fact two popes were succeeded by thei sons and all four are today regarded saints! Fact Three: Allowing marriage in the Roman church will at least mean more priests in the pulpit (something the Roman church is now struggling with).
And, finally IMHO, it will put some pressure on the homosexuals now hiding behind their priestly robes to get out of the closet and hopefully the clergy!
Are you celibate? I was before I was married at 24. It was not impossible for me then, nor is it impossible for priests now. Grow up. Quit living life and believing as if that thing between your legs rules your mind and your soul. It doesn't.