"Social conservatives" are often their own worst enemy. While I desire a moral society, I'm not convinced that the way to go about it is through legislation. Autonomous people will do what they want to do, regardless of what I or anyone else think.
For example, I think homosexuality is both unnatural and an absolute abomination. Yet I'm against sodomy laws. Does this make me a libertarian?
I can bring any number of issues up that deal with our society and its moral decay. However, stacking up the number of laws in our society really makes our society corrupt, moreso than what "social conservative" legislation would hope to alleviate. Ultimately, the individual and his or her homosexuality will be dealt with by God. In the meantime, let we who oppose the homosexualization of our culture speak out loudly! Let us speak with both our voices and our money. Too many of us will complain amongst ourselves, but not where it counts the most. I believe that more will come about through active participation in society with our actions than will by attempting to go through D.C.
If legislative action for social conservatives is of utmost importance, then get involved locally to create the type of community within you desire to live.
There's more.
Take the drug issue. As a Christian, I think that if one plant that grows naturally is legal (tobacco), then another (marijuana) which grows naturally should NOT be illegal.
Does that mean that I'm pro-weed? Nope. Just logically consistent. And far more suffer from lung cancer than do from the affects of marijuana. Harder narcotics? That's a whole different discussion. But the libertarian right is just radically indifferent to honest debate on the issue (read: their way or the highway).
I'd like to work on a roadmap towards unification of the Right, with the goal of resecuring our freedom and the destruction of the Left's stranglehold over America as a whole.
We have conservatives, social conservatives, paleos, neos, and libertarians who comprise the overall Right. What combination of issues can we all agree upon and work to realize the accomplishment of their fruition which then serves as a springboard towards the other areas within which we disagree?
One, I think that each and everyone of us must realize that our continued fractured state is akin to a football team with only 8 players. How successful is an 8-player football team going to be against a full 11-player team? You may get two first downs in four quarters, if you're lucky.
I'm open for suggestions, just for kicks. I'm in no position to influence anyone anywhere.
We have conservatives, social conservatives, paleos, neos, and libertarians who comprise the overall Right. What combination of issues can we all agree upon and work to realize the accomplishment of their fruition which then serves as a springboard towards the other areas within which we disagree?
I think taxes may be the best issue- these guys are too far apart on most social issues and not all of them are constitutionalists.
A worthy goal for sure. I'll help if I can.