You'll have to ask Sleaveless... Lets just say he does a good Elmer Fudd impression.
Think pink, and say "D tente..., D tente..., D tenteD tenteD tenteD tente D tenttttttte, da, da, da, do da."
Hewo Good evening...I'm Baba WAWA and this is Twentee twentee...We have a vewy vewy special guest this evening..a bwave huntew and Tewwowism Expewt...Mistew Elmew Fudd exwoosivy fwom Wonnew Bwothews...Elmew, How do you feew about these Tewwowists?
Well BABA I'm onwee a simpew Hunter HEHEHEHE...But I think These Wahhabis shouwd be hunted down wike They Were Wascawy Wabbits!
Elmew, What do you think of Henwy Kissingews view that the Wahabbi Tewwowists should be treated as civiwized peepew...
BABA...I must say, for the wecowd that ...wait for it
Henwee Kissingew is nothing but a vewwy vewwwy fat wowwy powwy dipwomat! </ r substitution charstrng w>