You are so correct about this being a slow, degenerative disease, that leaves its victim, at the very end, in a terribly debilitated state...often unable to move, unable to speak, virtually unable to do anything at all and having to have their every need attended to....many also develop dementia....most are completely bedridden at the end...
But its also true, that Parkinsons can follow different paths at different rates for different individuals...Its obvious that the Pope is ill, and that much of what he does in the course of his duties, is painful for him...yet, bless his heart, he endures...
I am not Catholic, but do admire the Pope...I only pray, that he will be true to himself and to God, and do what he thinks is in the best interest of his flock...
Yet, its difficult to know if there are behind the scenes actions taken by those who surround the Pope, whether to try to keep him as Pope, past the point where he is able to function on his own, to those who would try to rid the Church of him, in hopes of securing a Pope more to their own ideals...
I do know, that should the Pope continue to decline, both physically and mentally, there is a real problem involved here, and I have no answers for the dilemma...
I just continue to pray for the Pope, and for his well being...