Freddy Keeley is outta there. I just loved to see all the snivelling about it in the Leftist snot rag newspapers - - about how the Demroncrats "betrayed" Freddy in the redistricting. I think he has got some dirt on him not even the Demroncrats want to touch...
Now if we could just run Sam Farrce out, we would be really doing better. How does that moron keep getting electerd? What an embarassment to the Central Coast. Have you ever heard any of his speeches on the House floor? Some of the STUPIDEST topics you could imagine...
It was funny seeing Keeley get nailed by the vicious filth who run his party, wasn't it? All the crocodile tears.."how could they DO this to me!".."After all I've done for them!". Hah. So much for the "we're the party of loving compassion" crap. All the clueless hippies in Santa Cruz were left standing dumbfounded at the crass, bare knuckled power politics that the state RAT party was practicing. All to get Dennis Cardoza a safe seat.
The natives are restless in Santa Cruz. Vic Marani and the Pubbies didn't try all that hard on the Utility Tax measure, and they were attacked in Division strength by the SEIU and every public employee union, but still it passed. Maybe some reality is creeping into the brains of some of the aging boomer leftists...