President Bush refuses to live in the old boxes created during the cold war and by the left wingers in America and in the world. We are truly living in exciting times and moving away from about 50 years of the terrible stalemate between the two super powers of that time. If GW can bring the Russians along and into this century tradewise and conceptwise, what a gift to humanity for all that will be.
The status quo liberals, the Opecker Princes, the NKs, Cuba and the ChiComs will not like where we are going, but they will have no real choices except to join or see their nations implode under the weight of the last communism and Islamic thuggery.
I really think that the US and Russia have found common ground on the issue of Islamic terror. If Mathias Rust could fly a light plane into Red Square, even in the bad old commie days, Putin has to realize that nowhere in Russia is safe from suicide bombers like the ones that hit us.