Perhaps. But, voting against new gun-control legislation is one thing. Repealing existing gun-control is another. Has Bob Barr made any concerted effort to repeal and federal gun-control legislation?
Incidentally, Bob Bar has voted for legislation unfriendly to gun owners:
H.R. 424, introduced by Rep. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), February 24, 1998.
Amendment added to H.R. 1501, introduced by Rep. Bill McCollum (R-FL), June 16, 1999.
Libertarians want to trash him over pharmaceuticals?
Bob Barr also votes for continued funding of the Depts. of Education, Health & Human Services, Labor, and Agriculture just to name a few.
Over all, Barr is the man. We have no way to judge Libertarians. They never get elected to anything important...And for them to push the dope issue over RKBA? It will cost them dearly.