"They don't want to eliminate guns completely, they want the police and military to have guns."
When the people are all disarmed,then all of a sudden they will only want the military to have guns.
I've asked them. You get an anti-gunner going on and on about how evil and dangerous guns are. I say, you're right, let's disarm the police, guns are evil. They do a 180 like you see in cartoons. No, no, we can't disarm the police. But you said, guns have only one purpose and that's to kill people and governments kill more people than anyone, so they ought to be disarmed first.
Try this sometime when you talk to an "anti-gunner". They expose their true agenda, then you just have to tell them that a government, where only the police have guns is a Police State and they support a Police State. So much for caring and compassion and progressivism.