The last thing I want to say is about my statement about logic. I did not mean that logic has no value when I called it the pitiful excersice of human minds. I simply meant that God does not have to follow logic, because He created it. You say "God cannot make 2=2+5" becuase it defies logic,Correct. I've dealt with this repeatedly, and I think you are not satisfactorily interacting with my arguments.
but I ask you, can a staff logically turn into a snake? Can a leper logically be healed with mud in his eyes? Can an ocean logically be parted by the hand of a stuttering Isrealite?
This has nothing to do with logic, but rather, the relationship of natural and supernatural (miraculous). Miracles do not contradict logic or reason. A miracle is not illogical because there is a Being Who can overturn the laws of nature temporarily whenever He wills.
And later:
If God could not make a circle a square, could He make water into wine?Of course, because the latter is not logically impossible; it is a miracle, which is entirely possible; just contrary to the natural laws of physics, which God has to contravene for a time.
Well, then. God can violate the laws of physics at will and transform water into wine and so forth, but those laws of mathematics, they're just right off-limits for God. Those are really fixed and immutable, don't you know. Water into wine? Perfectly okay. Circles into squares? Absolutely out of the question.
And if this declaration of the laws of mathematics as more sacred and inviolable than the laws of physics strikes you as being rather arbitrary, you're not alone. Or maybe it's not so arbitrary after all - we're couching our argument in terms of logic and reason, after all, so we need logic and reason to be inviolable for our purposes here. Maybe this declaration is also rather convenient.
I understand what's being proposed, but it doesn't satisfy anyone's craving for the truly supernatural. With such a limitation (nothing illogical or impossible), God is still just an engineer. He has a neat bag of tricks (water into wine, healing the sick), but that can only go so far. I ain't lighting any candles for that. If I'm going to worship a deity, I want the real thing. In for a dime, in for a dollar. Accept no substitutes.