I wonder how much longer before we as a country realize we are allowing snakes in the grass to invade us. People who do not want to assimilate into their chosen land of immigration should not be allowed to stay. They should stay in their own lands if they don't like it here. I'm sorry to sound so regressive, but this is just going too far.
There should be some sort of loyalty oath that new immigrants take, and if they do one thing to show that they're not loyal, then they have to be deported.
During WWII, people must have been smarter. They were on the watch for any Germans or Japanese who tried to infiltrate the US and England. But today we have to allow our enemies to live here and wage jihad on us.
Well, the only solace I have is that we're all in the same boat, and those who are responsible for endangering this country's safety will have to suffer with the rest of us.