The term Israel First is an accurate description of those who place the welfare of Israel above all other political concerns. The last few weeks have shown just how many such there are in positions of influence in this country. Many are Jews, many are fundamentalist Christians, some like Gingrich are just bought and paid for.
The term Israel-first is pejorative
1. Meema should respond for him/herself.
2. Got electricity back in your caves? I guest US bombing isn't as accurate as hoped for.
Seriously, though your blind hatred is showing again.
I know of virtually no Israel-Firster's as you define them ourside of a few Jews. Most of these move to Israel when they realise where their loyalty is.
Your slander against relgious conservatives and politicians who disagree with you shows your rank hatred and extremism. Why don't you start quote the Protocols or Henry Ford?
David Duke had a peice run in the Arab Press recently. I'm sure you would like it.