The upper middle and upper classes aren't EVER going to turn into Libertarians. For centuries longer than the LP has been around, they have been brought up with the ideal of " nobel obliege ". That's a far superior attitude. Net worth doesn't place people in each " class " / strata ... it's much more than that.
I have NEVER done / tried any illegal substance and rarely partake of any alcoholic bevaerage . No, decriminalizing dope, wouldn't change my mind about it; however , it most assurredly WOULD influence others. That's what you and other Libertarians don't get / refuse to admit. It's human nature, and yes, I can substanciate my postion ; you can't.
What the Libertarian web sites and Libertarins won't tell you / don't know, is that a vast number of people, in jail for dope ( and especial pot crimes ) , are there because they copped a plea, for a lesser crime. Sort of like Al Capone and the tax evasion ... it's the ONLY way that there is, sometmes, to get hardened criminals off the streets.
Libertarians will NEVER become a viable political party; let alone one that is going to do a damned thing about getting its positions pushed through.
I'm not back tracking from anything; clarifying my position isn't backtracking. I don't "bash" one class of people more than any other. When wealthy socialists use our Constitution for toilet paper, I call them on it. When welfare queens do the same thing, I call them on it. When middle class families demand government run day care that comes out of my single man's paycheck, I call them on it. Next!!!
Now who's practicing class warfare? I'm familiar with "noblesse oblige," and it isn't a far superior attitude to Libertarianism; in fact it's the same thing. "To whom much is given, much is asked," (The New Testament, I believe) Successful people taking on responsibility for helping poorer people is the backbone of the Libertarian ethic. VOLUNTARY CHARITY, not government coercion is the bedrock of our republic. Only free people can (or will) take on such a burden.
Please repeat after me... the ends do not justify the means... innocent until proven guilty... two wrongs don't make a right...
Wishing will not make it so; every day brings us closer to victory and the dinosaurs of the GOP closer to extinction.