Work for who? Unions? Protectionism keeps
prices artificially high, retards innovation,
discourages productivity, and rewards corruption.
Work for who? Unions? Protectionism keeps prices artificially high, retards innovation, discourages productivity, and rewards corruption.What complete, utter, ignorant BS! What you call "protectionism" is what our founding fathers considered free trade. When the founding fathers spoke of free trade they were in fact referring to trade between the States not this globalist utopia that you dream of. Free trade ONLY works when dealing with states that are an similar or the same economies as in the States. Free trade does not and cannot work between nations of vastly different economies and it is precisely this type of globalist BS that causes Americans to be out of work. When you want to deal on globalist terms you are always going to lose jobs to nations with a lower economy and standard of living because Americans simply cannot compete against the wages that these people are capabe and willing to work for. If you are all in favor of bringing the standard of living in the US down to match that of Mexico and/or India then this globalist BS may be right up your alley but for most of us it's not. You and people like you need to open your eyes!
I suspect CreekerFreeper is either a government employee or a union member.