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To: SengirV
"Wible said the eomaia was likely a "transitional" species, meaning it possessed traits of modern placental mammals and the mammals from which it evolved. In this case, the eomaia has pelvic bones characteristic of marsupials."

I thought DNA researchers have so far proven that DNA doesn't mutate into different species.

It's difficult to sort the truth from the theorizing, when listening to scientists remark on their discoveries. They make such absolute claims and are nearly always contradicted by another set of scientists, in a very short time! Given such circumstances and knowing that evolutionists seek only one thing, "the transitional" species, how can you wonder why Christian's are apathetic to these announcements?
11 posted on 04/25/2002 1:53:22 PM PDT by Sweet Hour of Prayer
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To: Sweet Hour of Prayer
It's difficult to sort the truth from the theorizing, when listening to scientists remark on their discoveries. They make such absolute claims and are nearly always contradicted by another set of scientists, in a very short time! Given such circumstances and knowing that evolutionists seek only one thing, "the transitional" species, how can you wonder why Christian's are apathetic to these announcements?

Every species is a transitional species, so long as it leaves descendents.

Science is the creation of new understanding, often destroying the older model that was used. DNA can change. This is a fact.

13 posted on 04/25/2002 8:36:17 PM PDT by Gladwin
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