Your heart may be in the right place, but your terminology is wrong. Anarchy is the absense of a government. What this document seeks to force is an overriding, totalitatarian one world government.
Anarchistic tendencies are toward freedom for all. The anti-globalists who are labled as "anarchists" are not. They are really socialists and green fascists.
good point... most anarchists.... aren't. You were wise to point it out.
Lotsa freepers consider "individual freedoms" anarchy, believing that we need a BIG NANNY government to make sure we never fully enjoy our individuality... it doesn't serve the common good, so it must be contolled. EVERYTHING is measured as good or bad, related to how it serves social order, society, or groupthink. NOTHING is measured in terms of good or bad, relative to its impact on individual liberties...
The general welfare clause has been expanded to include so much commonism, we are become quite communist/fascist in our pursuit of social utopia... no sin, no vice, no freedom...
Standard procedure for American politicians
Right on Buddy. We're on the same page. Too bad so many lack a sense of logic.
Nam Vet