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To: jadimov
My mom passed away awhile back. She was proscribed Kumoden (?), a blood thinner, and tylonol for her back. The two together, we found after her passing, causes internal bleeding. I remember rushing her to the hospital because she was throwing up blood. They had to corterize(?) the veins in her stomach to stop the bleeding, but her medicine was never changed. She slowley withered away. She had blood in her bedpan until the day she died. ( sorry about the spelling. I'm not a doctor. I just play one on FR ;-D)
73 posted on 04/20/2002 3:11:23 PM PDT by concerned about politics
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To: concerned about politics
She was proscribed Kumoden ...

I am sorry about your Mom. Losing a loved one is never easy.

However, Coumadin is a drug that has been around for a long time. It is prescribed for blood clots. If Coumadin has a synergistic action with Tylenol, I am not aware-- Tylenol in excessive doses is toxic to the liver. Consumers need to understand that there is not a drug--including aspirin, that does not have side effects. It is up to the patient/consumer to be informed. If the doctor was not regularly monitoring her clotting and bleeding time, he was the one that was negligent--not the drug company.

74 posted on 04/20/2002 3:27:59 PM PDT by scholar
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To: concerned about politics
...My mom passed away awhile back. She was proscribed Kumoden (?), a blood thinner, and tylonol for her back. The two together, we found after her passing, causes internal bleeding...

My condolences on your loss...

This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Why should doctors or the government have all the information and make all the decisions for us? We are literate adults. And all of us here in FreeRepublic can use the internet. If the FDA kept all the data for those drugs online, you could have looked up the side effects and not had to rely on the "experts". You could have raised the BS flag. Or accepted the risk knowingly.

75 posted on 04/20/2002 3:28:18 PM PDT by jadimov
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