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Domestic and Foreign Terrorists in OKC Bombing Can Collaborate for Future Attacks
Personal Research by OKCSubmariner, ^ | April 19, 2002 | Patrick B. Briley

Posted on 04/19/2002 4:31:53 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner

Copyright 2002 by Patrick B. Briley

Evidence in the OKC Bombing case strongly indicates that McVeigh and Nichols had the combined help of individuals from domestic and foreign terrorist groups working together even though the FBI had infiltrated both types of terrorist groups well before the bombing.

But not all the publicly named foreign terrorist suspects possibly involved were from Iraq or associated with Hamas or Abu Sayyef or AlQaeda such as Al Hussain Hussaini , Abraham Ahmad, Khalid Mohammed, and their Jordanian employer Samir Khalil.

At least one foreign terrorist involved in the OKC Bombing known very well to the FBI and the CIA was German national Andreas Strassmeyer who still has strong ties to terror organizations of the IRA and to Nazi groups around the world including Argentina and West Germany. A week before the OKC bombing the West Germans warned the FBI of an attack on the Murrah building according to former US and Israeli intelligence agent William Northrup in an August 1998 interview on KTOK radio in OKC

And in 1993 Louis Freeh discussed Strassmeyer’s operations in the US with the German government according to Stephen Jones book and an interview he gave on KTOK in 1998. Strassmeyer worked with CIA and Air Force Intelligence operative Colonel Petruskie in the US and enjoyed protection by the US State Department from OK state law enforcement while he lived at Elohim City.

Strassmeyer provided a connecting bridge between foreign terror groups (including Middle Eastern groups) and domestic groups who helped do the OKC bombing. While security and training officer at Oklahoma’s conduit for the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) and Christian Identity (misnomer), the Elohim City compound, Strassmeyer was in close contact with Dennis Mahon and FBI informants, the Ward brothers who also lived at Elohim City in OK.

Mahon was paid a monthly stipend by Saddam Hussein of Iraq to foment trouble in the US. And the BATF informant at Elohim City, Carol Howe, provided details of her visit to OKC to look into plans for the OKC bombing including a visit to a Black Muslim facility well known to the OKC police department, connected to the Middle East terror group al Fuqra with offices in California, and one of whose members may have also been a participant in the OKC bombing.

Strassmeyer was repeatedly seen in Kansas and in Tulsa by witnesses with McVeigh in the accompaniment with Middle Eastern men. And McVeigh was seen in Kansas with a Middle Eastern John Doe buying guns in 1994 and 1995 by a witness who did a sketch with the FBI and told the FBI the man with McVeigh was Middle Eastern. The FBI told the man not to talk to anyone else or he would be at risk

And not all the domestic terrorists suspected publicly by the FBI were renegade members from Arizona and Kansas militias infiltrated by FBI informants. The domestic John Does include Fortier and his next neighbor from Kingman, Arizona; a man who is likely Peter Ward (seen in McVeigh’s room at the Dreamland motel in Kansas); a native American Indian who traveled with McVeigh; members of the White Arayan Resistance (WAR); Peter Langan (father was a high level CIA official); an extremist member of the Christian Identity movement (who knew McVeigh and traveled with an American Indian); and a black man who may have been a member of the Black Muslim church in OKC visited by Carol Howe.

What is important to note is that these domestic and foreign terrorists were seen together with McVeigh in OKC and in Kansas which clearly implies they knew each other and were working to help each other and McVeigh and Nichols do the OKC bombing.

At the Travelers Aid, a block away west of the Murrah Building, four witnesses saw and spoke with a black man, Fortier’s next door neighbor (who fenced guns stolen from the gun dealer Roger Moore in Missouri) and a man identified as Peter Ward all together with McVeigh in OKC the afternoon before the OKC bombing.

A black man was also seen with McVeigh and seven Middle Eastern men while they were completing the truck bomb in OKC. This black man may have been a member of the Black Muslim church visited by Carol Howe before the OKC bombing.

And an American Indian was seen with McVeigh in Guthrie Oklahoma before the bombing by another witness connected to the Travelers Aid witnesses.

An American Indian also traveled with an extremist member of the Christian Identity movement from Arizona named Gary. Gary knew McVeigh, wrote on April 19, 1995 that the OKC bombing was to avenge deaths of children killed in Iraq and Waco, stayed at the same motel where McVeigh stayed near where the brown Chevy getaway truck for the Middle Eastern suspects was parked, and was seen with the American Indian in OKC numerous times for each day before the OK bombing at the same gas station visited by McVeigh and another John Doe the day before and the morning of the bombing.

The former Pentagon terrorism advisor, Jesse Clear served in the Pentagon at the time of the OKC bombing with FBI agents and Clear and his attorney friend Joseph Camaratta (represented Paula Jones) came to OKC to investigate the OKC bombing. Clear was under contract in 1996 after he retired to obtain information about the Philippine connection to the OKC bombing. Clear claimed he was later blocked by the Clinton administration from obtaining all the information believed was available in the Philippines.

Clear agreed with and reinforced my concerns that domestic and foreign terrorists cooperated and aligned themselves to help McVeigh and Nichols do the OKC bombing. We also shared the concern that domestic and foreign terror groups could act again against targets within the US.

Cooperation between domestic and foreign terrorists is not a new phenomenon especially in other countries, but has not heretofore been as well developed in the US as in other countries. Based on Clear’s and my briefings to the legal counsels for the Senate Judiciary and Senate Intelligence committees, it is apparent that Congress has not yet devoted enough time to ensuring that the FBI, CIA, and DOJ adequately monitor and stop cooperation between domestic and foreign terror groups inside the US.

Domestic terrorists helping foreign terrorist groups like Hamas, AlQaeda, Abu Nidal and AlFuqra in the US is a deadly alliance which increases the likelihood of their success beyond what their individual efforts would be without cooperation. This alliance does not bode well for the possibility of future terror attacks in the US especially given the inattention by Congress and the FBI and CIA to adequately address the problem.

Some American Indians angry with the US government can help bring Middle Eastern terrorists and weapons of mass destruction ( biological, chemical and nuclear) across the US and Mexican and Canadian borders using their expert knowledge of the terrain and the safe haven of their reservations. Native and domestic members of WAR, Black Muslims, and individual extremists who belong to fringe paramilitary and religious groups would be well adapted to help Middle Eastern terrorists infiltrate and collect information on potential targets (water, food, government buildings, ,electrical, nuclear and chemical facilities) in rural areas and in cities in the US.

Virtually every domestic and foreign group having a member known to have been connected to the OKC bombing had been infiltrated by the FBI long before the OKC bombing. But whether or not the FBI and US law enforcement adequately coordinated their investigation into the cooperation of these groups at the same time is not known with certainty.

However, when one considers the fact the FBI had informants for the OKC bombing in both domestic and foreign groups, one has to consider the possibility that the FBI knew the groups were cooperating together to do the OKC bombing. Given the FBI reluctance to move against him for years, even a publicly named Iraqi suspect like Husasini could have served as an FBI/CIA informant when he was brought back to the US after the Gulf War by President GW Bush after serving in the Iraqi Republican Guard. Andreas Strassmeyer and Shamir Khalil appear to have been protected by the FBI and USG after the OKC bombing. And Peter Ward is a well placed FBI informant who was with McVeigh at the Dreamland in Kansas and at the Travelers Aid in OKC. Did all these FBI informants double cross the FBI or were they all outsmarted by McVeigh and the others? Regardless of what their roles were with McVeigh and the FBI and CIA, they still participated in a terrorist operation and should be considered as criminals.

One thing is for certain. US government officials like Janet Reno, Louis Freeh, Anthony Lake, Bill Clinton had official prior warning of an attempt on the Murrah building by March 3, 1995 from the House Task Force on Unconventional Warfare and Terrorism, which was passed along to the US Marshals, the FBI and the CIA who had already infiltrated the groups whose members helped in the OKC bombing.

At least three known domestic John Does (two known from the Travelers Aid witnesses, Peter Ward and Fortier’s next door neighbor, and one known from the Christian Identity movement ) can still be arrested and questioned about what they know about the cooperation between Middle Eastern and domestic terror groups in the US. This is vital to stopping future terror acts in the US. However, this information was provided already to AG Ashcroft and DOJ IG Glen Fine late last summer in written form which Ashcroft personally received. But Ashcroft and Fine have taken no action with the suspects or witnesses. Their deliberate failure to act on the cooperation of domestic terrorists and foreign terrorists in the OKC bombing tells me that they are either irresponsible or that these domestic John Does were all FBI informants involved in a failed operation or both.

Some investigators have focused heavily on the Middle East connection to the OKC bombing. While others like reporters JD Cash (McCurtain Gazette) and Roger Charles (freelance) have concentrated almost exclusively on the domestic groups and Strassmeyer’s connections to the OKC bombing by looking at the Midwest bank robberies, Peter Langan, a Mr. Guthrie, Peter Ward, Mike Brecia , Elohim City, and WAR.

But there is clearly hard evidence to show that Middle Eastern and foreign men worked with domestic terrorists to help McVeigh and Nichols do the OKC bombing.

I have tried to pass my evidence of Middle East AND domestic terrorists to Judicial Watch for over four years including Alan Favish and Larry Klayman. Two weeks ago I was told by a member of the Judicial Watch staff that my information was not needed When I asked if they knew of the domestic terror connection with the Middle Eastern terrorists, they did not know, had not been told and acted surprised.

I have tried to pass my evidence of Middle East AND domestic terrorists to Dan Burtons’s House Government Reform Committee. Last week I spoke with Marc Chretian, a senior member on Burtons staff for the Reform Committee for an hour and was told that my information would not be needed When I asked Chretian if the staff knew of the domestic terror connection with the Middle Eastern terrorists he said the staff did not know, had not been told but then told me it was unlikely that he or the staff would be interested in any evidence I had except possible Iraqi connections to the Philippines. In short, Chretian told me he and his staff were not interested in looking any into failures of the FBI to adequately handle the cooperation of domestic and Middle Eastern terrorists inside the US to conduct future or previous terror attacks.

OKC attorney Mike Johnston received from me details of the domestic terrorists seen with McVeigh at the Travelers Aid in OKC. Johnston had told me he wanted to pursue the domestic terrorist connection as he had traveled to Germany in 1995 to interview Andreas Strassmeyer. Johnston later called me soon afterwards to claim that he could no longer work on the domestic John Doe evidence because one of his clients and supporters had withdrawn his funds to help Mike Johnston work on the evidence.

In my opinion, the delay in the pursuit of the Travelers Aid evidence has hurt badly and seriously delayed the American people’s and Congress’s immediate need to fully know and understand the cooperation of domestic terrorists with Middle Eastern terrorists who could launch future terror attacks in the US. Many of these domestic terrorists are known to the FBI and could be questioned to learn how the domestic and foreign terrorists interact inside the US. What would be learned could possibly avert any future terror attacks where the groups would have assisted each other.

Fortier’s neighbor James was a known drug trafficker who was associated with self proclaimed DEA agent Robert Jacques, the same name used by a man who visited real estate agent William Maloney with McVeigh and Nichols in Missouri in 1994. An analysis of the OKC bombing evidence also suggests that drug traffickers like James and drug traffickers from Columbia operating in the US assisted the Middle Eastern and IRA terrorists who helped McVeigh and Nichols do the OKC bombing.

Drug traffickers inside and outside the US are particularly well adapted to helping Middle Eastern terrorists infiltrate the US and to smuggle in weapons of mass destruction just as they know how to smuggle drugs and narcotics into the US. Drug traffickers know the tried and true pathways and methods which will succeed for smuggling across the US borders with Mexico and Canada.

On February 14, 2002 the Nato Supreme Allied Commander, George Joulwan told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that “there is a direct link between the narco traffickers and AlQaeda – not just in Afghanistan but also in South America (Columbia in particular).”

AlQaeda has used drug trafficking operations worldwide to finance its operations but also more importantly to provide a network, an infrastructure to infiltrate terrorists and their weapons into countries including the US. The AlQaeda network has been built up over years in business arrangements with domestic drug traffickers already indigenous to the countries in which AlQaeda has wanted to expand. The AlQaeda network has also built upon and expanded the drug trafficking networks already built up in many countries including the US by other Middle Eastern and foreign (IRA, neo Nazis) terrorist groups that AlQaeda has been working with such as Hamas and Abu Nidal.

It has been widely reported since early last year that AlQaeda has had combined operations globally with Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Abu Nidal (directly works for Saddam Hussein) in support of the Palestinian struggle against Israel. Hamas sponsors suicide bombers in Israel and ALQeda backed the hijacker pilots who crashed US airlines into the World Trade Centers on 9/11/2002. Hamas and AlQaeda and Abu Nidal have had since before 1995 and continue to have cells operational in the US capable of attacking US targets.

Major news outlets and reported April 7,2002, in the article “Could Suicide Bombings Happen Here? “, that Hamas, the PLO, Iran, and Iraq and Syria are now seriously considering bringing suicide missions against American civilians to the US like the ones used in Israel in order to alter US policy toward Israel. An FBI agent interviewed by Time blithely proclaimed that Hamas suicide missions will not happen in the US now because the FBI thinks that the missions would be “counterproductive” because the missions would anger the US and cause the US not to get Israel to pull back its operations against the PLO.

What the Time article does not mention is the direct ties between AlQaeda , Abu Nidal and Hamas cells operational in the US now that use drug trafficking networks and domestic terrorist groups and individuals in the US to smuggle more terrorists and weapons into the US to attack targets inside the US.

There is a Hamas cell operational in OKC which helped plan and support the attacks on the World Trade Centers in 1993 and on 9/11/2001 along with AlQaeda. The Hamas and AlQaeda cells in the US were not and will not be swayed by naïve pronouncements by an FBI agent talking to Time saying that their attacks were or will be “counterproductive” And they will continue to try to use drug traffickers and domestic terrorists to help them.

Cary Gagan was an FBI and DEA informant from Denver who was granted a letter of immunity by the US Attorney in Denver, Mr. Solano in 1994 for Gagan’s undercover informant role with Middle Eastern and IRA terrorists working with Columbian drug traffickers in the US to do the OKC bombing.

The Middle Eastern terrorists associated with Gagan were working in support of Hamas and the PLO efforts. The Columbian drug traffickers working with Gagan’s group were likely part of the AlQaeda drug trafficking network testified to by General Joulwan to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The AlQaeda drug trafficking connection with Gagan in the plot is significant because of repeated and documented reports since 1995 that Nichols met with AlQaeda (named Abu Sayeff in the Philippines) and Iraqi (Ramzi Youseff) representatives in the Philipines to plan the OKC bombing and to obtain bomb making instructions from Youseff.

Gagan sent a letter to the FBI and US attorney on April 3, 1995 (which they received) warning them of an impending attack on a Federal building in Denver or a nearby large US city (OKC). When Gagan went public with his story after the OKC bombing, the US attorney rescinded Gagan’s letter of immunity. Gagan had provided strong proof to William Jasper of the New American magazine that his warnings and his story were well known and documented to the FBI and US attorneys before the OKC bombing. Gagan had also described in great details plans of the Murrah Building he had seen at the meetings planning the OKC bombing with the terrorists.

Part of Gagan’s story is that on April 10, 1995 he delivered IRA supplied detonators and explosives with a mixer to Dwight, Kansas near Geary Lake, Junction City and Herrington, all cities close to where McVeigh and Nichols lived and operated and were seen on numerous occasions with Middle Eastern men with German national Andreas Strassmeyer. Dwight is also near Ogden Kansas, a city where McVeigh purchased guns with a Middle Eastern looking John Doe (FBI allegedly did a sketch of the John Doe) in 1994 and 1995. The delivery of IRA detonators is significant because Strassmeyer was close to McVeigh and has known ties to IRA and neo Nazi terror groups in Europe.

Strassmeyer’s close associate at Elohim City in OK Dennis Mahon was a white supremacist with the Aryan Nation (neo Nazi) who received a stipend from Iraq and spoke openly of his support for the PLO, Hamas operations and especially for Yassar Arafat before the OKC bombing. Saddam Hussein has openly been backing the PLO and AlQaeda for years and helped his personal operative Ramzi Youseff do the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. CIA operations chief Vincent Cannistraro told the FBI that the head of Saudi intelligence informed him that Saddam Hussein had paid for seven Pakistani to help do the OKC bombing (some consider Youseff to be Pakistani)

So we have a Federal informant Cary Gagan describing an operation with Middle Eastern men and Columbian drug traffickers sympathetic to the PLO to blow up a Federal building using plans of the Murrah building , and detonators and explosives supplied by IRA terrorists. And the men close to Mcveigh, Nichols, Strassmeyer, Mahon all appear to have had connections with the PLO, the IRA and Iraq and Abu Sayyeff (alQaeda). This is not coincidence.

The formula used to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993 was prepared by Saddam’s explosive expert for the Iraqi oil company , Ramzi Youseff. A formula allegedly for the explosives used in the OKC bombing was found in a notebook in Afghanistan last year by a reporter for the New York Times. This formula may not only have been similar to the formula used in the World Trade Center bombing, it also have been the one developed by Youseff and given to Nichols and McVeigh in the Philippines when Youseff allegedly met with Nichols. And this formula may have been the formula mixed with the explosives delivered by Gagan. The formula may easily have found its way to Afgahnistan from Youseff himself or AlQaeda terrorists as Youseff was from Baluchistan and traveled through the Taliban/Afghan portal city of Qetta.

While doing a radio interview in 1998 I received an online call from a man who said he worked in the Philippines as a CIA contractor. The man reported seeing McVeigh in he Philippines at the time Nichols was in the Philippines meeting with Ramzi Youseff and the AlQaeda/Abu Sayyef representatives. The Manila Times reported in February 2002 that a second American was seen with Nichols at the meeting with Abu Sayyef. If the CIA contractor’s call to me was correct, the American seen with Nichols in the Philippines may have been McVeigh.

My question is this: will AlQaeda, Hamas, Abu Nidal terrorist cells (which the FBI still deliberately allows to operate) in the US continue more suicide terror missions in the US for the PLO, Iran and Iraq using drug traffickers from Latin American countries, domestic drug traffickers in the US, Black Muslims , Arayan Resistance members, neo Nazis and/or disenchanted American Indian extremists to help them smuggle more terrorists and weapons of mass destruction across Mexican and Canadian borders?

Before you say no to this possibility, do not forget it has already happened with the OKC bombing, may have happened in the 9/11 attacks and is likely to happen again because FBI agents (and State Department officials working for Colin Powell) tell that Hamas would not want to hurt their chances for a Palestinian state by daring to upset the US (by doing it again).

Copyright 2002 by Patrick B. Briley

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News
KEYWORDS: okcbombing; terrorism
I have written over twenty articles for the FreeRepublic since June 2000 dealing with the OKC bombing. Three of these articles told the story of the Travelers Aid witnesses and the domestic John Does. Other articles told of more domestic John Does. And at least ten articles have dealt with the Middle Eastern connection to the OKC bombing.

This is the first article that makes the case for the need to stop cooperation of domestic and foreign terrorists who helped do the OKC bombing and who could strike again if my warnings and concerns are not taken seriously enough and adequately addressed by Congress.

1 posted on 04/19/2002 4:31:53 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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To: Shermy,B4Ranch,quimby,Twodees,amom,smorgle,Lion's Cub,thinden,kattracks,JohnHuang2,japaneseghost,
2 posted on 04/19/2002 4:32:16 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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