It perforates the brain causing insanity and then death.
I sincerely hope we see no more of this. It would be incredible to know this was happening to your brain and be powerless to stop it.
From all I have read, this malady is transmitted when one mammal eats the nerve tissue of another, for example, brain or spinal cord tissue. IMHO, until we know, don't eat those things. Forget about ground meat products unless you grind them yourself. You cannot know what just went through that grinder at the supermarket.
Regards, Hank in Atlanta
That must be what I have. But seriously, what DO they do with all that beef that they can't sell in Japan now? I eat hamburgers all the time. I've tried to give up beef, especially ground beef, but I'm just not disciplined enough, and I don't feel right without a meal of beef once in a while.