I guarantee that there are valuable resources up there. Are many people aware that some asteroids have high concentrations of platinum group metals? Nickel/iron asteroids are almost pure stainless steel already. Carbonaceous chondrite asteroids are high in hydrocarbons (petrochemicals). Jupiter's atmosphere is high in hydrogen isotopes for fusion engines. Mercury is high in heavy metals of all types. In free space, you have solar energy for smelting and processing; 10 KW per square meter and the sun never sets.. no clouds either. No EPA, no regulations, no taxes, and you can deliver the goods to your customers on Earth from above without crossing a border. Total freedom and true capitalism. The frontier within the inner solar system is endless for all practical purposes.
The 1967 UN Outer Space Treaty can be interpreted various ways. The way I read it is that you own anything you launch, your spacecraft, your supplies, but you cannot own any resources dug out of celestial bodies. The treaty is vaguely-worded in this regard, and so is deficient and ought to be withdrawn from immediately, with the requisite 1-year notice.
The word "global" seems much less impressive when looking beyond this miserable ball of mud.