I have never heard Art Bell but I would love to listen to Ghost to Ghost. Is he on a Houston station?
In modern times we like to built on the coast. Why would this be different in ancient times? IMHO it is very likey that if an advanced civilization existed in pre-ice age times they would now be under water. It would be interesting to known what our real history is instead of the spoon fed theories we get now. I get real tired or so-called scientists that can create an entire societal structure based on a bone or a pottery scrap. We don't need more Piltdown men or fake stoneage tribes in the Philipines. I want fact not story.
This should be a lesson to all, your civilization won't last long if you keep losing your cities.
Your Houston Art Bell station, KTRH-740 AM.
10 p.m. The Best of Art Bell (repeats)
Weekdays and Saturday
Midnight to 5 a.m., Coast to Coast - Art Bell
Midnight to 3 a.m.