Along time ago in the Army I had a conversation with a black barracks mate. I'm white.
"What if you' daughter dated a black man?" he asked, when I was still even years from meeting her mother.
"Well, I'd want him to be a good man," I answered. And believed.
But, "Oh!" he protested. "He'd have to be a good black man!"
I was kind'a taken aback.
"He'd have to be a good black man!" he repeated, seemingly in accusation.
But then, I thought.
And blurted: "Well.... Yeah! I'd rather she'd be with a good black man than a bad black man."
From there, I think we went back to Army stuff....
That was because white men and women have been propagandized to feel ashamed because they are white. In the schools, black dudes are now persuading girls to have sex with them to prove they are not racist.