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To: veronica
And, here is the real kicker: David Bowie claims his legal residence in Ireland, because in that country -- Bono's native land -- there is NO income tax on money earned from residuals and royalities. So, Bowie and Bono and all the rest of them keep EVERYTHING. How's that? Pretty fair, huh? The working American should be taxed to pay for foreign aid, but, don't suggest that an Irish resident / rock star pay a dime. Yep, that's "fair"!
42 posted on 03/24/2002 2:10:30 PM PST by summer
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To: summer;the old hoosier;veronica;owl_eagle;ironjack;timm22;a ruckus of dogs;luvzhottea;charlesI...
Meet George W. Bush's foreign aid advisor...

Bush Calls For More Foreign Aid

Learning nothing from the horror of September 11th, President Bush has submitted to Congress a proposal to dramatically increase U.S. foreign aid to hostile Third World regimes by $5 billion.

U.S. taxpayers already send $17 billion to these anti-American dictatorships under the "Economic Development Assistance" program, which is just one small part of America's huge foreign aid handouts to her sworn enemies.

"Victory to the Third World!" (March 14, 2002)
(Bush with his foreign aid advisor, designer-clad rock degenerate Bono)

Bush's comment in announcing the big increase should infuriate every patriotic American with an ounce of sanity:

"We must include every African, every Asian, every Latin American, every Muslim, in an expanding circle of development."

Aside from committing U.S. taxpayers to foot the bill for the entire Third World, Bush's statement is careful to include "every Muslim" in his promise of goodies. Why not every Christian, every Catholic, every Hindu, every Buddhist, every Jew? The only religion worth mentioning as deserving of U.S. taxpayer handouts, according to Bush, is the very Islam that so fanatically wishes to destroy this country.

Then again, ever since September 11th, Bush and the rest of the political establishment have not stopped sucking up to the Muslim mass murderers.

52 posted on 03/24/2002 3:00:31 PM PST by majordivit
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To: summer
The working American should be taxed to pay for foreign aid, but, don't suggest that an Irish resident / rock star pay a dime. Yep, that's "fair"!

So I see that this rock degenerate not only makes all his millions off of American kids who have no real role models to look up to anymore, but this rock degenerate also takes his ill gotten spoils and runs back to his 'native' Ireland without even contributing to the huge gigantic foreign aid budget of the United States. Talk about a parasite...

No American should purchase any records or material from the rock group U2 or the artist Bono. They should not even try to download their songs for free on the internet because it would give these animals publicity.

56 posted on 03/24/2002 3:18:41 PM PST by majordivit
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