It's not about their hate of us, it's about their hate of Israel. We just become the financial enablers.
It's true that we would be total failures in brokering a peace between Arafat and Israel because the one-sidedness of our support.
That's something clinton didn't understand. He could get them to shake hands, but he didn't see the dagger still up their sleeves.
To broker a peace, both sides have to want peace. I've seen no evidence that the Pals or any of the Arab states really want peace with Israel. Egypt signed a deal 25 years ago, but it has turned out to be more window dressing than anything else.
Our support of Israel is a historical imperative, derived from the Holocaust. If you choose to characterize our pledge to assure Israel's existence as "one sided", then I would urge you to try and come up with a single other country in the whole world which is committed to Israel's continuance, and is not playing serious footsy with the Arab states.
Without us, sadly enough, Israel is gone.