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To: ancient_geezer
If you don't like the answers, its time to take Congress to task, not the minions doing Congress Critter's dirtywork.

Actually, a year or so ago, they did invite Congress to attend one of these hearings. They hand delivered invitations to almost every congressman. Oddly enough, not one of them showed up either.

32 posted on 03/06/2002 9:13:53 AM PST by Dementon
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To: Dementon
As I have pointed out:

The Schulz crowd has no credibility due to their stands and their primary felon, con artist leaders, and is hitting the wrong constitutency with the wrong message thus are completely outvoted coming out the gate. They have no and will continute to have no true political clout thus no interest from Congress Critters.

The bottom 60% of the electorate perceive little to no "Individual Income Tax" burden,(in many cases even a handout) and 70% continue to clamor for more from government looking for the top 40% of tax payers to pay. That perception continues to grow ever stronger by eliminating ever more participants from the Individual Income Tax rolls.

Congress is only interested in votes, not your opinions.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-George Bernard Shaw

The votes lay with those not paying or paying very little taxes now and demanding more government because they do not perceive the federal burden on themselves.

Walter Williams, World Net Daily, 10-25-2000

According to the most recent U.S. Treasury Department figures, in 1997 the top 1 percent of income-earners (those with income of $250,000 and higher) paid 33 percent of all federal income taxes. The top 5 percent of income-earners ($108,000 and over) paid 52 percent, and the top 50 percent ($36,000 and over) paid 96 percent of income taxes. Guess what the bottom 50 percent of income earners paid?

If you're among those who pay little or no federal income taxes, what do you care about tax cuts? Moreover, if you think tax cuts pose a threat to government handout programs, you might be openly hostile and support Al Gore's silly "risky scheme" talk. So many Americans paying little or no federal taxes makes for a natural spending constituency. It's like me in the restaurant: What do I care about extravagance if you're footing the bill?

The call for representation without taxation is the formula that got us where we are at today. The ability to hide or disguise taxation from the view of large sectors of the electorate allows the Congress to get away with the creation of the evergrowing monster that it fosters.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-George Bernard Shaw

Liberty and freedom have a price, responsibility. If that price is avoided there are no brakes on the growth of government, the ultimate result is the end of freedom through creeping socialism.

Schulz & Company merely looks to join thePauls of the world assuring perpetual growth of government and creeping socialism.

33 posted on 03/06/2002 9:56:19 AM PST by ancient_geezer
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To: Dementon
and there was that time Clinton's staff agreed to send representatives, and they cancelled.
34 posted on 03/07/2002 3:18:44 PM PST by Constitution Scholar
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