All your links are worthless to me. The truth is, the government will not address public greivances based upon petition. You have have fallen into the love of government stroking you.
But don't worry. They, the government, will get around to you, too. And when you petition the government for address of grievances ... your shouts will fall upon deaf ears, too.
What you seem to ignore is that this meeting was set up months in advance for public education by the government.
I know very much what this is about, and it is very much a hyped up constituent's briefing that was canceled because Schulz totally oversold it to the point the one Congressman who was willing to support the meeting, backed out when it became apparent he was being used by scam artists.
I've been watching this thing from the beginning and its whole tone has been nothing but a sales pitch by TP gurus scamming marks from the day one with the USA Today Ad:
I will say it once again and unequivocally, not one of the arguments presented by these folks has any utility in ending the income tax, and will do a great deal of harm to those who fall into applying any of it in there own financial lives.
I have no interest in support what I see to be a sham and attempt to misinform people as to the real nature and dangers of of the nation's Income/Payroll tax system.
If you don't know the real enemy, I can guarantee you are not going to be successful for lack of doing what is necessary to end the menace. In fact, I see more harm to be done from reducing the effectiveness and credibility of all grassroots efforts to seek change in government whether taxes or any other are such as 2nd amendment issues and abortion.
What you and these other folks have ignored:
Walter Williams, World Net Daily, 10-25-2000
According to the most recent U.S. Treasury Department figures, in 1997 the top 1 percent of income-earners (those with income of $250,000 and higher) paid 33 percent of all federal income taxes. The top 5 percent of income-earners ($108,000 and over) paid 52 percent, and the top 50 percent ($36,000 and over) paid 96 percent of income taxes. Guess what the bottom 50 percent of income earners paid?
If you're among those who pay little or no federal income taxes, what do you care about tax cuts? Moreover, if you think tax cuts pose a threat to government handout programs, you might be openly hostile and support Al Gore's silly "risky scheme" talk. So many Americans paying little or no federal taxes makes for a natural spending constituency. It's like me in the restaurant: What do I care about extravagance if you're footing the bill?
The Schulz crowd is hitting the wrong constitutency and have the wrong message thus are completely outvoted coming out the gate. They have no and will continute to have no true political clout.
The bottom 60% of the electorate perceive little to no "Individual Income Tax" burden,(in many cases even a handout) and 70% continue to clamor for more from government looking for the top 40% of tax payers to pay. That perception continues to grow ever stronger by eliminating ever more participants from the Individual Income Tax rolls.
The key is to hit Congress, not the dissaffected choir that has heard and continues to believe the TP chant. The Schulz folks are singing to each other and no one else, because their message doesn't hit home where it matters, among the voting electorate.
Until you can convince the person at the bottom end of the tax rolls that he is getting reamed royally by the government, you are going nowhere.
That is why the:
by D. Sherman Cox J.D. L.L.M. Taxation
message is so important, yet is the one that is ignored by Schulz and friends. That super market hits everyone. Especially the bottom.
It is the bottom rungs of the wage scale, the welfare moms, the burger flipper, the agricultural worker, that will make or break tax reform and truth in taxation. Not the dissaffected, Individual Income tax payer.
I can guarantee you won't get the desired change without a significant portion of those folks angry over the grocery tax, and pushing for change.