Of course, it's the weekend. I don't know if they are there on the weekend.
Because of the anthrax scare, snail mail still takes them awhile to go through. WE NEED TO EXPEDITE OUR BELIEFS IN THIS REGARD. Phone calls are the best method, with all due respect.
Idiot Rino. I can call the Capitol, but if they just connect me to one of my two Senators I hardly think it will be worth the cost of a telephone call. Wellstone & Dayton. Minnesota politicians stink!
What can I do? I want to help!!! I've e-mailed the White House several times, but if calling them just gets me to Wellstone or Dayton it's absolutely 100% pointless. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. This must be stopped.
Fox News just reported that Native American tribes will be exempt from the soft money ban. The number one recipient of Native American money? John McCain - How convenient.