Now with that said, I'm on week 3 using redhat linux, that's on a second drive on a mambo tower I built for a friend. One drive has 98se on it (I had the disk, that's why), the other I got some home burnt redhat disks, thought what the heck, try it out. I'm customising it for him now. I like it so far, it's close to becoming mainstream OS. The sheer enthusiam of these open source geeks is infectious, and you can't keep up with the advances. It's slick! I think it's a real capitalistic threat to both of the "big two" markets, both homedesktop and business. The only difference from winderz is it's still some command line stuff the average newbie might struggle with, but no different from dos commands really, all in all it's pretty nifty, and the gui is just as good as mac or windows, and redhats rpm manager and packages are easy to install. I haven't trtied mac osx yet, but looking forward to it, next-better apple machine I get. Waiting for the used prices to drop on powerbooks for that.
I say-get all three! heheh, I got vehicles from a moped to trucks, what's the difference? THE MORE COMPUTERS AND THE MORE DIFFERENT THE BETTER! yee haww! yahoo!
I think of girlfriends the same way, but the one I got now owns several large frying pans..........