Sinkspur, it always amazes me how you defend immoral people yet have zero tolerance for those who want our government to stand up for morality. I'm not talking about discrimation, I'm talking about endorsing. Why must you force me to approve? We aren't talking about tolerance, we're talking about conformity and I'm not willing to say it's okay. Homosexuality is bad for any society. It spreads disease. It hurts families. It is about self gratification and, while it may be legal, it should not be encouranged. They can keep their money and joint the Democrats. I support being kind and respectful but I do not support government funding of benefits and marriage which ultimately will lead to adoption. Why must they corrupt our children?
Sinkspur, it always amazes me how you defend immoral people yet have zero tolerance for those who want our government to stand up for morality.You have me mixed up with someone else.
I don't want gays to be treated any differently than you are treated.
And I want the government to protect the rights of ALL Americans, not just those who consider themselves "moral people."
Why must they corrupt our children?
Are they corrupting yours?
They're not corrupting mine.
I am with you.