Dear sweet Jesus; do ya think?
"Though language like this may be common in lecture halls, typically one doesn't find this sort of ugly rhetoric in a college alumni magazine. Such magazines, after all, are tools to keep alumni feeling good about their school in order to encourage donations."
Money doesn't mean anything to the devote Socialists running these organizations.
The exact same Socialists the professorate created?
"These are the type of people that many college professors are dedicated to turning out of our universities -- people ignorant of their American heritage, yet hateful of it, and, as a result, open to the dictatorial and enslaving philosophies of communism and socialism."
...Ithaca may in fact be evil; however, someone named "Brandon Crocker" at the IJ sure has heard the alarm clock.
...if ya need a laugh; well, here it is.
Sorry. According to the part of the editorial I did not post, Crocker lives in San Diego, and is a "guest columnist."
Wait a few days and I am sure that I'll post all the inevitable replies from actual Ithacites calling crocker racist, sexist, homophobic, against academic freedom, etc.
Ithaca is very typical of the small northeastern Liberal arts college. I attended one myself during the Vietnam era, and am often embarrassed by some of the leftist krap contained in my Alumni magazine.
We have a letter to the editor, with this pithy comment in it:
It is the function of the academy to challenge conventional thinking, to unearth evidence that does not fit conveniently into the patriotic and simplistic models of political and corporate elite and to offer different perspectives as to ways of seeing the world.
And even an entire guest column by uber-liberal writing Professor Fred Wilcox, who complains:
What is missing in these calls for multiple wars is any analysis of why people might hate or wish to attack the United States of America. Moreover, anyone who questions the current administration's bellicose rhetoric, indeed its license to kill anyone, anywhere, for any reason, is called a traitor, labeled unpatriotic and dismissed as an American-hating leftist.
Ithaca is working overtime to hold on to that "City of Evil" title,
The first letter notes:
American government policies generate and support oppression in the world, often antidemocratic and sometimes heinous. This is absolutely indisputable.and argues that anyone who disputes this is "kill[ing] the messenger."
The second letter makes the same tired comments about "McCarthyism" as most of the other letters. Apparently redundancy is not crime at the Ithaca Journal, as long as it's redundant liberalism.
Ithaca is the City of Evil.