I would like to second your motion.
All in favor?
I use a mac at home because that is the computer I know how to maintain well. At the same time, I can say with out a doubt, that Microsoft has made the best software that I have ever used. Their failures have been far outweighed by their successes.
But I'm no arm-chair CEO, when it comes down to it, I don't care how these companies are run because I know that someone will step up to fill in the void of user demand. I hold no allegiances or devotion to a plastic box of silicon. I just use it.
Many of these posts exist just to chaff someone's hide.
But... but... but... wouldn't posting remarks like the one above on a Macintosh related thread be considered to be a 'chafing' post??
And just to insure that there is no pesky double standard issue, I guess you posted how you would like to end OS related threads, on the plethora of Pro Winbloze threads posted here daily too, right???